Dungeons and Dragons with the 4AM crew
- Played Wednesday 5PM Pacific
- Starting area will be a smol town and everyone will already be semi familair with each other as residents of the same town
- Attributes are 4d6 drop lowest for the 6 attributes (That means roll 4 6 sided dice and add together the three highest rolls 6 times and then apply the 6 results to your 6 attributes STR DEX CON WIS INT CHA)
- If the average of your combined attribute modifiers is below 1 then reroll your attribute scores, otherwise ask permission to reroll
- Starting Level 2
- When rolling health get full health at first level and roll for every following level
- Starting Cash for 2nd lvl character 900gp, no single item may exceed the value of half of your starting gold.
- all game book materials allowed except psionics
- check with GM for material from splat books
- Online resource for core books
- Read all of this part if you are not familiar with it
- All the books in PDF form If something has a 3.0 and a 3.5 version the 3.5 version will usually take priority, ask me if you want to check
- GM e-mail: tomw@airmail.cc
- e-mail dice roller Use this for rolling your initial attribute rolls and make sure the GMs e-mail is listed when you do it, set yourself as the first e-mail, tomw@airmail.cc as the second and I recomend "Summary of Rolls: [4am name] attribute rolls", "Number of Rolls: 24", "Dice Type: d6" and "Rolls per Line: 4" to keep things tidy
- If you need a burner e-mail you can get one on cock.li